Monday, 1 April 2013

What is Cyprus, An island that the British own via their two military bases that are on the island. That is notwithstanding the fact that the island is divided between a Greek South and a Turkish Muslim North.

Why are the British there? So they can eavesdrop on Syria-Lebanon and Israel too.
Both Greece and Turkey are land nations are members of NATO. NATO the police European based force for the one world Bankster order. The order of families and secret organizations that really own the worlds banking system including our non fed, Federal Reserve.  (Look up Federal Reserve Cartel).

They also own the Big Oil World, Big Pharmacy and the Biotech World which includes our food as well as the Media and the Celebrities the Media promotes.

So the game in Cyprus, the banking scam of this one world order was set up to get the world ready for the new austerity game.

Where the Cyprus government will take deposits of the individual depositors of the failed banks as oppose to honoring the pledge of insuring them as they promised with the their laws of there land.

The deposits of the people then go to pay off the debts of the IMF and the European Central Bank.

Game is to end the middle class and make everyone work for the one world Banking order. The successor to Christ.

We need to bring back Jesus. Remember he went to the cross because he went after the Bankers of his day who were also the priest of his Hebrew religion.

 We need to wake up and understand all these banking crises are manufactured by the Banksters themselves. Then they get our puppet leaders who are educated in brainwashing schools of the Banksters to back their solution to the game they get the world to play.

We live in a world of abundance. We need to live this truth. Not the scarcity of the fixed banking system that prints monies to pay debt but does not print monies so people can work and live.

Let’s wake the world up. Stop with arguing amongst ourselves. If we do not fix the problem, then we have only ourselves to blame.

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