Monday, 8 April 2013

OBAMA and his Alice in Wonderland. THE USA of Today.

Today we must all take stock and see what we have allowed our nation to become. We are a fairy tale. A creation that Lewis Carroll would not have ever believed. We are raised believing we are the land of the free but today and for tomorrow too, we are the land of the fee. 

We say we have rights and yet we let our government take them away, when, listen as you read this, the government never had the rights to own and control us. The government was created to serve us, not we serve them. 

As we speak to see our government give us human rights, where did the government ever get the rights to say yea or nay to abortion or same sex marriage? Why do we tolerate this control of our personal life and liberties?? Why, Why? 

Well because we are always looking for someone to take care of us. Which gets back to the concept of the God who watches over us. We say in God we trust. Well, where did God say others could make up a hierarchy that owns and controls us.

If you are Christian, follow your books and do what the son Jesus said before he was placed on the the bankers of those days. Get rid of the bankers who charge interest distributing the currency of man for a fee, which is nothing but a penalty.

We must stop this insane behavior and weakness we exhibit. We must take back our government at once.

How? Lets start the third party whose goal is to run people for elected office who care for their community, not their pocket book. People running for office that do not raise funds from lobbyist and corporate entities.

From there, we start with voting out of office all the puppets that gave us health insurance telling us it was "health care." Even the Supreme Court ruled that this "Obama Care" was legal as a penalty not as a business the government can regulate. But follow this, why are our Congressmen and women getting health care from our taxes with all the bells and whistles and we are forced to buy insurance with computers telling us what we can get as benefits in this land of the free?

Today I got an email from two huge supporters of Obama during his two campaigns, campaign one as a rock star and the second campaign a man who says I promised change but did the best I could and not let’s give up hope.

We need to follow the procedures set forth in our government’s constitution and make change. It must come from the outside, by those who vote for new leaders not the same old people and their younger disciples, as the inside will never change their golden road paved with our sweat and blood.

Stephanie Taylor and Adam Green, the founders of PCCC are trying to raise support to stop the President of lies and deception from selling out the Social Security System and Medicare too. This event will happen next week. Why? So the elected government can authorize the fed to continue to take their pay called the "debt" that the Federal Reserve has on our nation. Remember this truth and do not allow a name to fool you: outsiders as well as US Citizens privately own the Federal Reserve. The Fed is not owned or controlled by our government.

Now, if we nationalized the fed and erased the interest, fees and charges that they at the Fed charged our nation, we would then be able to continue to pay for the social benefits our nation deserves. Simple logic and one anyone should see and advocate.

But no, our puppets in elected office, instead of reducing the banks interest and fees, play the game they were elected to follow: the game is to take from the citizens what a government must provide, so the bankers who run our land by our authority get more.

Government is to provide Heath and Safety for the community as a whole. But we believe that this is communism.

Please, why do we fall for those lies? Again, the government is supposed to represent us and provide for the community for who the government serves. Not us to serve the government. Naked truths: Communism is really when the people are owned and controlled by the government, and fascism is when that government combines with business to tell the people what to do. The US is not the land of the free, as I said when I started this blog, nor a democracy. A democracy must control its currency.

One question we must ask ourselves, why has no congressman or woman asked to at least place a moratorium on the federal reserve debt. Plus, why did our congress authorize the banker’s private debt to be socialized but not their profits, which remain private. This is an arms length transaction?

Next week President Obama, the puppet president, will ask the nation to accept Congress’ cut backs on Medicare and Social Security as the Democratic Parties compromise to reduce the budget with the Republicans who are also owned and controlled by the bankers. This is wrong behavior and the President owes us more than saying I tried. What can I do?

Lead us, do not appease us. Be a man of vision, not a man lost inside some mirror of truth. Simple, you do act as a leader when the military industrial complex with the banks tells you to forget about the constitution and the concept of American Justice. This happens when you authorize the drones to kill without any judicial review

You get your wife to give out the award for best picture not in a living room with your children but in front of the marines. Is this a coming attraction of the new America? Marines in our home?

Stand up for what is right, Mr. President. Start acting as a leader, not a puppet. A leader does not compromise when the issue is wrong.

Fellow readers of this blog, today I am asking you to join the PCCC. Get involved in politics. Understand that if you are not involved then what happens to you was earned when your job as a citizen is to take care of your community and that means getting out of the rabbits hole. Let Alice be the comical character not what we all have become. 

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