is strength with union. When we operate as one, we win together; but when we
believe those who make us believe that we are not one, we fail. Our failure
allows those who sell the cure for the fears they create by dividing Man to
paper profit on the short term. In truth, in the end there is only profit when
peace is not accepted by force but by choice.
Our World
since the time of the Egyptians and their Kingdom, which was ruled by the
priest classes and maybe before, has always divided classes between us vs. them.
it Sparta vs Athens.
Athens I refer to is the Athens of the Solon constitution, the creation of a
republic of equals. Even though the Greeks had an Us vs. Them, they created the
written notion of the republic amongst equals. Plus the writer himself, whose
constitution was a rap of poetry, went into exile for ten years so he did not
become a tyrant to rule the land.
concept was something we needed to grow. As with everything in our world, this
concept was a thought, which was trying to be reduced to words so all could
follow this notion of brotherhood and love.
concept allows each and everyone of us to live, as well as the obligation to
live an important life. One individual life that protects this heaven for the
now living and those soon to be born as a circle of life.
human has the right and duty to do something so, as one of my teachers has
taught me, when we review our lives fifty years on, we can see our life as a
service to mankind. It is the creative power that resides in each and every one
of us to build a society to survive and thrive in the changing conditions of
this planet we call home.
human creative ability must have as society where this divine spark of man, as
endowed by our creator to co-create must be given the room to grow and
fertilize Earth for us all, not only for the few. This quality of Man must be
encouraged by society to grow. We must have a society where the quality is
nurtured and shared. A society where this quality is allowed to reach its
fruitful completion once it is recognized as being of value to all of Man. It
must be shared and preserved for the benefit of the present and future generations
of Man.
above were the dreams of those who gave their lives to create the USA. The
declaration was that mantra of Man.
there is this other urge within all of us. We allow others to rule as long as
we have something to believe in. We like to be taken care of. We submit and,
not that we are fooled, we just give in to get what is left over.
call this the Sparta governance. No matter how much we create for equality,
once created, we allow the Spartans to take it over time and time again.
was a privileged society where the few ruled the all. The few protected the
rest from the world of disease and famine and war and hate that the few created
by trying to rule everyone. Yes, that is what our societies do, rule as oppose
to officiate. For that is what the societies of old really did. The elders
officiated the ambitions of the young and made sure their society survived
living with and in nature.
Our US
government is an oligarchy, where the few rule the all. The constitution is the
Alice mirror that changed the Declaration of Independence for Man, for our
declaration was about Man. The successor, the constitution, which was written
12 years later, overthrew the articles of confederation, the government of the
Declaration of Independence, is about property rights for the few.
in the States, We are brainwashed into believing we have a choice. But the
truth is we have no choice. For until we change the rules of the few to rules
for the all, we will constantly submit to the rulers of the game. Today the
Banksters, those who control our currency of scarcity, are the rulers. They
will make sure, by controlling our schools and our media as well as the
political parties from platform to candidates, that we never understand that
creation and life is about abundance. There are no limits on creations. Our
leaders just silently and obediently accept the rules of the Federal Reserve. A
private banking cartel.
Spartan approach is always able to find itself on the top. It comes in
different names and concepts but it is the few ruling the all. It is what
happens when we give in and let others tell us what they will do for us, if we
let them rule. It is because we are lazy and never understood that we are all
equal and have a duty to protect this truth.
has changed its clothing many times. A few examples are The Catholic Church and
the Vatican, the successor in interest to the Roman Empire. An Empire based on
owning and controlling the trade routes of Man. Just like its successor the
evil empire of Britain, which was created on slave trading, drug dealing and
and since the Renaissance of the 1500’s, the Spartan philosophy was working for
the banking system that was based on metals. A system that created war to steal
all the precious metals one could move.
Kings of absolute or Constitutional review, Dictators too, as well as the US
two-party system where winner takes all but works for the same rulers of our currency,
is Sparta run amok. Religions of equality such as the Hebrews and the Islamic
have created this Sparta ruling order of their religions, which no longer
adhere to their original rulebooks in doing so. The Jews work for the banks and
the Islamic submit to being ruled by the pawns of the current British Empire
and their dogs of war, the US military regime. The Christians forgot what Jesus
said, as they allowed some men to claim they speak for Christ; preaching if you
listen and obey, then you get to go heaven while we live and rule over all of
you here one Earth.
of the above work for the private bankers that rule a world based on scarcity.
Not the world we really live in where creation and co-creation gives us
abundance. This reality is right in front of us, if we can first see the
abundance and then accept it and then manifest from that position, not from the
position of scarcity created by the bankers. We can step aside from the
banker’s world of scarcity and start creating from a place of abundance.
need to wake up and realize this game. We need to change the rules and we need
to do it now. Obama is the man who will make the change that we all need to happen.
How? Well, this man has lied and danced to the Banker’s tunes. He has told you
what he will do so you fall for his tunes, but then he imprisons us with, “oh
well, I tried”.
what he did with Social Security and Medicare as well as the games he is
playing with immigration, war, missiles and guns. He is singing the banker’s
tunes by confusing us with his words, as we do not follow his actions. He will
be the wake up call to Man, as this African American, as he calls himself,
still allows for the Black American to go to jail for doing the drugs that
Obama says he did in his youth and probably still does in his parties for the
few he throws while the communities burn. He is the new Nero. He is the Shiva
that will re-awaken fellow man and makes us act and change the rules of this
remedy is a third party that will bring together a system where elders who do
not profit by the decisions they implement call the game of life so the
republic for all and the one team of one race of all man can combine and have
the world become the heaven it was always intended to be.
Machat, a citizen
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