Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Venezuela and I had a talk today...

A friend of mine from Venezuela and I had a talk today after Yoga. We were discussing the future of his land. A country named by the Vatican reps once upon a time. The name means little Venice. 

The land was a private pantry for European bankers and their US puppets. They looted the land in the name of Christ. They got the locals to accept this behavior as their new Church, one that would control their thoughts. As this Vatican masquerading as a commoner's church too profited by this theft. For in the end they convinced the locals that by being the meek they will inherit the Earth.


Then a man named Hugo Chavez got elected to run the land. He threw the bankers out of his land. He nationalized the assets which were on the earth, assets that were for the people of the nation, not capitalists..

Chavez created a world where the country took care of its people's needs as a nation of equals.

But the rest of the world was not allowed to understand this new thought of common man. They were told by western media that this man was a dictator because he would not honor democracy, one that creates a hierarchy owned and controlled by Banking families. The same families that run our US federal reserve.

My friend was asking me my take on the future of his land. Would they become a land of US democracy?

A land where the new government would sell the current  community media to a banking business giant such as Rupert Murdoch. So instead of reporting life from the culture of VZ, they will now be able to see and feel the glory of those who worship the kings that exist and pay their tribute to this private banking sport.

This move would help insure that the people of the land know that now they are free to think as a euro american man.

But unlike Europe they wished for US health care style democracy. To ensure that goal they must  privatize the health sector.

This would make health an economic sport. One owned and controlled by the bankers and their insurance scam partners.

No more would doctors honor their hippocractic oath. They would honor their financial commitment to only take care of those who had insurance.

For now, in the dictator's land, health is provided to all out of the oil profits the government controls.

For the goal here to is to sell those assets to a major oil corporation. One that works for the bankers of our western democracy.

Then we discussed food. Was the banker's plan to bring in Monsanto's seeds? To make this land one where only the corporate rearranged seeds of nature would grow on their lands.

You see, nature does not charge us for natures food. But we in the US and Euro lands of banking democracy have figured out to stop nature and make even the seeds of our food a profitable venture owned by the few and controlled by the Bankers.

My friend was confused after we went through this banking game. We both agreed that something is wrong with us all that we allow this hijacking of our heaven here on Earth to be sold as the end game of man.

We need to bring back heaven. We need to undo the ownership and control that exist making us live in a world that Lewis Carrol described so well in Alice In Wonderland.

Let's have a toast to the unification of people. Let's wake up and smell the roses and see the Emperors new clothing.

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